One Click Installer
free with our Linux web hosting. . . .I took a chance and installed WordPress. As with many cms scripts, I prepared to encounter some challenges with installation and configuration and disappointments in functionality. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised to discover how powerful and easy to use WordPress is.
Over 60 web apps available
Quick & easy to install
No technical skill required
Free with Linux web hosting packages
Over 60 FREE OneClick installs available with Linux web hosting packages. Choose from featured applications like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. Or browse the complete range of popular installs covering content management, eCommerce, blogs and photo galleries to build your website with ease.
Most popular installs

One of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems on the planet.

Enable individuals or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organise a great variety of content on your website.

A state-of-the-art personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards and usability.

Concrete 5
A free building material for the web. Working with a web designer or pre-existing theme, create and easily change the content and structure of your website with concrete5.

Vanilla Forums
Already powering discussions on over 400,000 sites around the world. This is the ideal solution for building standards-compliant, customisable forums.

A powerful, feature rich and user friendly shopping cart system providing businesses the ability to create their own robust e-commerce solution.
View all Linux web hosting OneClick installs HERE
Over 60 FREE OneClick installs now available with Linux web hosting packages. Choose from featured applications like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and concrete5 or browse our complete range of popular installs below:
Blogs |
Education |
WordPress |
Moodle |
Gregarius |
Chyrp CMS |
Chamilo |
SimplePie |
b2evolution |
Textpattern |
Forms and Surveys |
Security |
NucleusCMS |
LimeSurvey |
SiteLock |
Geeklog |
phpFormGenerator |
AdvancedPoll |
Social Networking |
Business Tools |
Pligg |
Major Uptime |
Forums |
elgg |
VoIP Phone Services |
Simple Machines Forum |
Oxwall |
phpBB |
Client Management |
PunBB |
Statistics |
SugarCRM |
Vanilla Forums |
Piwik |
Feng |
Front Accounting |
Guestbooks |
Utilities |
vtiger CRM |
GBook |
phpMyFAQ |
Lazarus |
WebCalendar |
Content Management |
PhpGedView |
Joomla |
Help Center |
GCount |
ocPortal |
osTicket |
Drupal |
Help Center Live |
Webmail |
MODx |
Crafty Syntax Live Help |
BigSenders |
e107 |
Roundcube |
Live Chat |
PHP-Nuke |
phpFreeChat |
Website Builders |
phpwcms |
X7Chat |
Amazing Web Templates |
liveSite |
eCommerce |
Mailing Lists |
Soholaunch |
ShopSite |
iContact |
BasicPages |
PrestaShop |
concrete5 |
Avactis |
Photo Galleries |
Zazavi |
OSCommerce |
Coppermine |
Zen Cart |
Gallery |
Website Design |
OpenCart |
Zenphoto |
GlowTouch Technologies |
TomatoCart |
Piwigo |
Infinite Web Solutions |
Pixelpost |
4images |
Wiki |
MediaWiki |
Product Sourcing |
DokuWiki |
Doba Drop Shipping |
PmWiki |
Project Management |
BaseCamp |
Mantis |
PHProjekt |